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On each episode of the Carrie Abbott show, you’ll hear biblical wisdom, positive perspectives and refreshing insights from Carrie and her guests - some of the nation’s foremost experts, authors, and leaders.  From sexuality and the family to politics and education, Carrie tackles each of today's emerging issues with truth and grace, bringing you hope and helping you live in agreement with your divine design as an image bearer!  In Seattle, the show airs on AM 820 The Word at 12:30 and on SiriusXM Channel 131 at 4:00pm PT-7:00pm ET. Join our listening community today and sign up for the weekly review to receive the week’s shows every Friday.

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Archive by category: TraffickingReturn
September 2024

Human Trafficking: How the US Weakens Protections, Pt. 2

How does a believer process the evil of trafficking? Why does God allow this? Keith Guinta gives us insightful responses to these important questions and other challenges with fighting trafficking. We also look at potential solutions to this global problem. Wipe Every Tear | Hope Freedom Future

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Organ Harvesting in China

Dr. Wen Chen joins us to share her own journey of being indoctrinated by the CCP, coming to the US and learning the truth about human rights violations—the most horrific: the harvesting of organs of the Falun Gong people. Not graphic, but a seriously important show.  See the documentary State Organs

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Human Trafficking: How the US Weakens Protections, Pt. 1

A recent treaty at the UN to protect underage kids was weakened by the US! Our open border opens the door to worse trafficking. Keith Guinta, with Wipe Every Tear, joins us to share the challenging truth about this devastating evil and how the Church needs to respond! Wipe Every Tear | Hope Freedom Future

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December 2023

Hollywood Traps and Feminist Lies

Landon Starbuck went to Hollywood to use her God-given gifts, only to discover the system is rigged. If you don’t do drugs and engage in other behaviors, you lose your chance. Landon shares her story and how she went from lies to helping protect kids from trafficking as the founder and President of Freedom Forever. We then look at a story of young women who believed the feminist lies that berating men and foregoing a family were how to make it big. Turns out that trap leads to loneliness…tune in for the rest of the story!

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October 2023

News and Views

What exciting times we are in! God is moving in universities such as Auburn University, where hundreds were baptized! North Carolina becomes the 10th state to pass Universal School Choice. Hundreds were arrested in a human trafficking ring in Florida, Target is closing stores in CA, WA and OR - surprising or predictable? The Chinese Communist Party is actively trying to weaken the U.S. so is that why young Chinese men are crossing the border illegally, apparently from a Chinese Military Unit? We close with a challenge to the Church to engage in the battle against family and offer an opportunity for repentance.

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September 2023

Hollywood Traps and Feminist Lies

Landon Starbuck went to Hollywood to use her God-given gifts, only to discover the system is rigged. If you don’t do drugs and engage in other behaviors, you lose your chance. Landon shares her story and how she went from lies to helping protect kids in trafficking as the Founder and President of Freedom Forever. We then look at a story of a young woman who believed the feminist lies that berating men and foregoing a family were how to make it big. Turns out that trap leads to loneliness…tune in for the rest of the story!

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  • Thank you for being a voice for the truth and expressing the joy of the Lord. I so admire you and your joy you exhibit even with dealing with difficult things.

  • My family and I appreciate your ministry! We really appreciate the thoughtfulness and foundation of the topics you cover on your radio program.

  • I’m praising God for you and all the truth you share. May God continue to bless you and keep you on the air. We need your godly perspective!

  • It’s so obvious to us and I’m sure so many more how much you truly love Jesus and want to bring Him into al that you do!

  • I learn so much and am so glad to listen to a voice for godly principles in a time when it seems some of the culture either never learned them or has forgotten them.

  • Loved your program today. I’m praising God for you and all the truth you share. May God continue to bless you and keep you on the air!


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