
Tune in daily to the Carrie Abbott Show to hear news, views, and values you can trust! On each episode of the Carrie Abbott show, you’ll hear biblical wisdom, positive perspectives and refreshing insights...

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Whole Person Approach

Sexual integrity is expressing the gift of our sexuality throughout our whole lives in agreement with God’s intentional design. Living with sexual integrity means making smart decisions about physical...

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I’m deeply honored you would consider me for your event. As a speaker for 35 years and a former event planner myself, I care about helping you make your event successful, regardless...

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Hi Friend,

I am so glad you have stopped by for a visit! I love to meet new friends and walk the journey of life with those who care about relationships, do-overs, being whole and doing our best to live in agreement with our divine design! If you’re like me, you care about those you love and influence, and want tools to help them be healthy. My goal is to serve you so you can educate and empower your loved ones in their relationships and in understanding their sexuality. God has amazing relationship blueprints for all of us. These blueprints help us, regardless of our story and even if we have made mistakes. Discovering His truth has taken many years and I’m still learning! I hope you will join me in the process.


Carrie's Work

It’s been a busy 35 years of speaking and teaching ministry. For my professional details, click the links for either my professional bio or curriculum vitae.
  • Carrie's Bio

    Click here for a printable version of Carrie's Bio

  • Carrie's Curriculum Vitae

    Click here for a printable version of Carrie's CV

  • Audio Samples

    Click here to listen to some of our featured audio.

  • Video Samples

    Click here to see some clips of Carrie in action!

On a more personal note, here are some things you might not know…

Here are some things I really like…
Ice-cream (the fattening kind), soup on a cold day, candles, new shoes, sunshine, family and friends, funny people, a cogent argument, truth, history, the sermons of Charles Spurgeon, passion in action, teaching, decorating, gardening, the color green, a bargain, her Bible.

Here are some things I really dislike…
Baby shower games, mean people, hot peppers, airports, plastic flowers, liars, death in any form, willful ignorance, telemarketing calls, bad hair, feminism that doesn’t help women and emasculates men, unpatriotic attitudes, legalism, evil, fake butter, ironing.

A few more personal facts…
Growing up, did you have it together? I didn’t. I was a good student and a happy kid, but was naïve about relationships. I was taller than most guys and my friends were all the homecoming queens, so I worked on my personality! My first and only boyfriend is my husband who I met in Bible school in Europe when I was 19. He happened to live 15 minutes away from my home in Seattle! So how did someone who felt somewhat awkward and was uncomfortable even saying the word sex end up teaching about it? Only God knows! I am still surprised at how God works in our lives. Likely you have been surprised by God in some way as well.

Along with many years of youth, family and marriage ministry, our five fabulous kids were the motivation to find answers on relationship truth when we were starting out as parents. Now 16 grandkids ignite still more passion for grace-filled ways to love God and love others. There have been many years of exciting ministry adventures along with life experiences that I hope to share with you over time.

If there is any way I can serve you, encourage you or remind you that you are made in God’s image, please allow me to do so! You have dignity and worth, straight from the throne of God! You are a man or woman of incredible value. If you struggle at times to believe this, remember this truth cannot be changed by your choices, your story, your wounds or others lies. Your worth is secured in God’s “reality” because He created you. Let’s walk together in God’s grace and experience the fullness of His power in and through us, as we learn together about the truth of His prescriptions for relationships and sexuality.

I am humbled you chose to visit, thank you!


Carrie Abbott




Carrie Abbott Bio

With 35 years of teaching, Carrie is a tremendously popular national speaker, author and radio show host.  Her witty and fast paced style, combined with her depth of knowledge is one of many reasons she is considered a great communicator and leading expert on the topic of relationships and sexuality.  She has spoken to people across the nation, in venues as diverse as: state legislatures, churches, universities, youth events, medical associations, conferences, banquets, broadcast radio & TV, and she is featured in several video series.  Carrie has been hosting a daily radio show since 2011, and currently hosts a daily half hour radio show called The Carrie Abbott Show which is heard on SiriusXM Channel 131 at 4:00pm/PT/7:00pm/ET and stations in WA, CA, NV, MO, OK, KS and her podcast is downloaded in 139 countries from CarrieAbbott.com.

As a founder and President of The Legacy Institute, Carrie is the lead educator and go-to expert on philosophy, theology and content for the Legacy Institute.  Carrie oversees research and development of all resources at Legacy, is an advisor to other organizations and teaches nationally and internationally.  

Professional Achievements (full list in the curriculum vitae):

  • Carrie is a contributing author of the soon to be released True Beauty study on Biblical femininity.
  • Carrie is the Executive Producer and editor of Legacy Classroom: A collaboration of over 130 experts on all emerging issues for pastors used worldwide. 
  • Carrie is the author of The Sexual Integrity Program, an innovative program used by Pregnancy Resource Centers in 49 states and 13 countries. 
  • Carrie is the author and teacher in The Biblical Blueprint for Sexual Integrity video series used nationwide and internationally. 
  • Carrie is the Executive Producer and one of the lead authors of Relationships with Integrity, a K-12 relationship curricula used nationwide.  
  • Carrie is the Executive Producer and a lead author of Emily’s Club, a Jr. High resource for girls.
  • Carrie is the Executive Producer and editor of Kingdom, Power, Glory, a manhood study based on the Lord’s Prayer. 
  • Carrie is a contributing author in several projects including: Clergy Sexual Misconduct and a Technical Assistance Module for Federal Abstinence Grantees nationwide.  
  • Carrie was one of the first recipients of The Community Impact Award from Families Northwest (now Stronger Families) in Washington State. 
  • Carrie has been in ministry since she was 17.  She served for years in youth work, served 13 years with an abstinence program (eight years as Director), has trained hundreds of teachers nationwide, mentored young married couples with her husband, and spent many years in a variety of other ministry opportunities. 
  • Carrie worked for Merrill Lynch, Oppenheimer, and a securities litigation expert, and received her securities license in the process.  She also started her own event planning business - The Main Event, planning corporate events and weddings for eight years. 
  • Carrie attended a variety of colleges, including Northwest University in Kirkland WA. and Capernwray Bible School in Sweden and England, where she met her husband, Greg. They have been happily married for 40 years, have five grown children, sixteen grandchildren and live in the Seattle area.   

View Carrie's complete curriculum vitae here.


Some of Carrie’s Popular Audio Messages    

The Man CD

Legacy’s wildly popular Men’s Appreciation Dinner message by Carrie Abbott. Why does Carrie resonate so well with men? Her profound respect for the male design, purposefully crafted by God, uniquely envisions and emboldens men to be all that God created them to be.

Listen Now >


This message and PowerPoint set allows you to learn and share how healthy friendships and relationships are developed using the five levels of emotional intimacy. This practical and encouraging teaching helps any age (teen to adults) build healthy relationships that last a lifetime.

Listen Now >


This encouraging look at modesty helps teens to adults, male and female, understand healthy ways to reveal truth with their bodies and how to “put on humility” like Christ.


Listen Now >

Power of the Spoken Word

This powerful message reveals how God spoke all things in to being, then created men and women in His image, with an ability to speak life and death with their tongues! This message brings a clarity to our understanding of our design and our kingdom purpose and how we can literally affect all of our relationships and other people through this amazing power!

Listen Now >

Profoundly Positive

How do you paint the most profound & beautiful picture of God’s design – not just for purity but for what it means to be ‘made in His image’? Carrie contrasts a common ‘abstinence message’ with Legacy’s insightful Sexual Integrity message which inspires us all to ‘be what we were created to be’. This is a message you will want to share!

Listen Now >

Homosexuality, The Grace-filled Truth

Carrie uses scripture and natural law to show the biblical emphasis and loving response for those practicing any sexual sin outside of God’s Design for male and female relationships. A loving roadmap for anyone who struggles!

Listen Now >
  • Thank you for being a voice for the truth and expressing the joy of the Lord. I so admire you and your joy you exhibit even with dealing with difficult things.

  • My family and I appreciate your ministry! We really appreciate the thoughtfulness and foundation of the topics you cover on your radio program.

  • I’m praising God for you and all the truth you share. May God continue to bless you and keep you on the air. We need your godly perspective!

  • It’s so obvious to us and I’m sure so many more how much you truly love Jesus and want to bring Him into al that you do!

  • I learn so much and am so glad to listen to a voice for godly principles in a time when it seems some of the culture either never learned them or has forgotten them.

  • Loved your program today. I’m praising God for you and all the truth you share. May God continue to bless you and keep you on the air!

Looking for a Particular Topic from the Carrie Abbott Show?

A diverse set of topics to strengthen family relationships, communication, parenting skills, personal growth & more!


A variety of topics addressing current world issues, politics, legislative issues, social mores, societal trends and ideas.

Life Skills

A unique mix of personal growth, relationship issues, leadership and work related issues, team dynamics and tools.


Topics to strengthen relationships, pornography, mentoring, leadership, male design, parenting, marriage, friendship and fun!


How to flourish at every age, breast cancer, mentoring, women in the work place, leadership, female design, parenting, marriage etc.

Pro-Life Issues

Current legislation, politics, prevention, restoration and healing, personal stories, Pregnancy Resource Centers, Church resources.


Topics include communication tips, blueprints for relationships, current issues such as vaccines, transgendered bathrooms etc.


Key issues affecting congregations, pastoral health, relationships, research, social trends, leadership, resources and support.

Sexual Integrity

All relationship topics affecting living in agreement with male and female design, healing, blueprints, cultural trends and LGBT.