Tune in daily to the Carrie Abbott Show to hear news, views, and values you can trust!

On each episode of the Carrie Abbott show, you’ll hear biblical wisdom, positive perspectives and refreshing insights from Carrie and her guests - some of the nation’s foremost experts, authors, and leaders.  From sexuality and the family to politics and education, Carrie tackles each of today's emerging issues with truth and grace, bringing you hope and helping you live in agreement with your divine design as an image bearer!  In Seattle, the show airs on AM 820 The Word at 12:30 and on SiriusXM Channel 131 at 4:00pm PT-7:00pm ET. Join our listening community today and sign up for the weekly review to receive the week’s shows every Friday.

Look Who’s Talking With Carrie!


February 2014

Making Marriage Last

Carrie's guests Pastor Jan Hettinga and his wife of 49 years, Scharme, share their personal story of marrying young, being in ministry and the challenges they faced and the choices they made as a couple that made their marriage successful. http://traffic.libsyn.com/carrieabbott/LOL-020614.mp3
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January 2014

A Woman's Purpose

Carrie and her guests Marjie Schaefer and Kim Kaufman with Flourish Through the Word ministry discuss how women can discover their purpose and impact 7 key 'mountains' of culture through the word, a close walk with Christ .For info on the Flourish Conference go to: www.flourishthroughtheword.com. http://traffic.libsyn.com/carrieabbott/LOL-013114.mp3
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Rescue Freedom International, Part 2

Carrie’s guest Jeremy Vallerand, Pres. Of Rescue Freedom International, tells stories of young girls and women being helped through the rescue and rehabilitation of RFI. Sex trafficking and slavery are one of the greatest evils in the world, and we can all make a difference. Learn how you can help!  See www.rescuefreedom.org. http://traffic.libsyn.com/carrieabbott/LOL-011714.mp3
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Sanctity of Human Life

Carrie and her guest Kim Triller, Ex. Dir of Care Net of Puget Sound, discuss this important national day of honoring life from conception to natural death. Care Net is one of the leading organizations helping women choose life and offers prevention and education in area schools.  See www.carenetps.org. http://traffic.libsyn.com/carrieabbott/LOL-011514.mp3
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A Tale of Two Weddings

Carrie shares her thoughts about the Grammys and the "so-called" wedding of 30 homosexual and heterosexual couples during the show and the wedding on The Bachelor, with a Christian couple who decided to wait for sexual intimacy until they were married. Which is more scandalous? Both weddings are pictures that cement ideas in the minds of our youth. http://traffic.libsyn.com/carrieabbott/LOL-012714.mp3
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Rescue Freedom International, Part 1

Carrie's guest Jeremy Vallerand, Pres. of Rescue Freedom International, shares his personal journey as a young man, preparing for his career and being shocked at the sight of the evil of sex slavery and prostitution taking place on a trip to India. Jeremy shares the simple and profound steps he took to make a difference, ultimately causing him to lead the organization and help save girls and women all over the world!  See www.rescuefreedom.org. http://traffic.libsyn.com/carrieabbott/LOL-011614.mp3
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  • Thank you for being a voice for the truth and expressing the joy of the Lord. I so admire you and your joy you exhibit even with dealing with difficult things.

  • My family and I appreciate your ministry! We really appreciate the thoughtfulness and foundation of the topics you cover on your radio program.

  • I’m praising God for you and all the truth you share. May God continue to bless you and keep you on the air. We need your godly perspective!

  • It’s so obvious to us and I’m sure so many more how much you truly love Jesus and want to bring Him into al that you do!

  • I learn so much and am so glad to listen to a voice for godly principles in a time when it seems some of the culture either never learned them or has forgotten them.

  • Loved your program today. I’m praising God for you and all the truth you share. May God continue to bless you and keep you on the air!


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