Tune in daily to the Carrie Abbott Show to hear news, views, and values you can trust!

On each episode of the Carrie Abbott show, you’ll hear biblical wisdom, positive perspectives and refreshing insights from Carrie and her guests - some of the nation’s foremost experts, authors, and leaders.  From sexuality and the family to politics and education, Carrie tackles each of today's emerging issues with truth and grace, bringing you hope and helping you live in agreement with your divine design as an image bearer!  In Seattle, the show airs on AM 820 The Word at 12:30 and on SiriusXM Channel 131 at 4:00pm PT-7:00pm ET. Join our listening community today and sign up for the weekly review to receive the week’s shows every Friday.

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Archive by category: HealthReturn
July 2024

A Powerful, Positive Journey to a New Heart!

Do you have a loved one struggling with addiction? Mike Miller, Resident Director of New Heart Place, joins us with stories of redemption through an effective recovery and discipleship opportunity for men and women that is life-changing! New Heart Place | Men's & Women's Christian Discipleship & Recovery Homes

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June 2024

Children’s Poor Digestive Issues are Epidemic

A conversation needs to happen about constipation in children, because it impacts so many families and the results have been seriously devastating. Pediatricians recommend laxatives and yet, research is showing the laxatives are having adverse effects on children’s behavior. Lisa Joan Anderson, a Holistic Nutritionist and expert on helping children with “elimination” and digestion is bringing hope to families and she specializes in special needs kids as well. Don’t miss this! Crap4kids.com

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Doctors Burn Out, Corporatized Healthcare, Kids Medicated

Is the American health care system beyond repair? Doctors are burnt out, retiring due to insurance demands, dismayed by the corporatization model that has taken over patient-first care. History shows us how the system was set up as an allopathic model, and certain laws made it a clear partnership with Big Pharma and government. Kids and ADHD medication serve as one example. Join us for this important journey into a big topic!

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Men’s Mental Health

June is Men’s Mental Health Month, and there are plenty of reasons to focus on this important issue. Suicide for men is four times higher than for women, and there are a variety of reasons men don’t seek help. Rob Jackson, MS, LPC, and someone who struggled with anxiety for years, joins us to discuss ways to help the men we love while respecting their dignity. We also look at the town in Wyoming with the highest suicide rates in the US and beyond, and we review this year’s Happiness Report (hint: the US did poorly) and why seeking virtue is key to real happiness.

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May 2024

Big Admissions Coming Out on COVID!

CNN and Chris Cuomo verbally assaulted anyone using ivermectin…wait till you hear what Chris is saying now! Under oath, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins admit there was no science to support 6ft distancing, NIH admits gain of function research took place in Wuhan, adverse reactions are happening worldwide, and Japan’s excess deaths draw attention. Additionally, Amazon helped censor or block information on COVID, psychosis has increased due to shots, along with many other outcomes, yet we offer hope and healing with Dr. McCullough’s spike protein protocol. A big show!

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Classical Music Can Literally Alter Your Brain!

Music affects everyone, and all music has an impact. Research is revealing powerful truths about certain kinds of music, in particular classical music and its ability to bring healing for depression and dementia, and it doesn’t stop there! We investigate further and discover the impact of pop music, rock, new age and other types of music – and how some have a seriously negative impact. Why? Not to give away the total punch line…but the brain’s design loves music’s rules! Find out how!

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  • Thank you for being a voice for the truth and expressing the joy of the Lord. I so admire you and your joy you exhibit even with dealing with difficult things.

  • My family and I appreciate your ministry! We really appreciate the thoughtfulness and foundation of the topics you cover on your radio program.

  • I’m praising God for you and all the truth you share. May God continue to bless you and keep you on the air. We need your godly perspective!

  • It’s so obvious to us and I’m sure so many more how much you truly love Jesus and want to bring Him into al that you do!

  • I learn so much and am so glad to listen to a voice for godly principles in a time when it seems some of the culture either never learned them or has forgotten them.

  • Loved your program today. I’m praising God for you and all the truth you share. May God continue to bless you and keep you on the air!


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